联邦法规要求体育博彩为符合条件的学生建立并适用合理的学业进步满意标准(SAP),以便根据《体育博彩》第四章授权的计划获得经济援助. Waldorf University students who wish to be considered for financial aid must:
- Be in good standing at Waldorf University and
- Maintain satisfactory academic progress in their program of study as set forth in this policy.
SAP是一项联邦学生援助资格要求,由学院管理,除了体育博彩满意的学术进步(SAP)政策所要求的学术标准之外. The SAP policy is reviewed annually by the University Registrar. Students are evaluated at the end of every semester/term for SAP. All students are evaluated on three standards: grade point average (qualitative measure), semester hours completion ratio (quantitative measure), and maximum timeframe. To maintain eligibility under SAP, students must meet all three standards.
Standard 1: Grade Point Average (Qualitative Measure)
(CGPA) – see chart below. Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 CGPA at the conclusion of their fourth semester or eighth term of attendance. Graduate students must maintain a CGPA of 3.0 at all times.
Timeframe | CGPA | Credits |
End of First Semester or End of Term 1 or 2 | 1.80 | 12 |
End of Second Semester or End of Term 3 or 4 | 1.90 | 24 |
End of Third Semester or End of Term 5 or 6 | 1.95 | 36 |
End of Fourth Semester or End of Term 7 or 8 | 2.00 | 48 |
End of Fifth Semester or End of Term 9 or 10 | 2.00 | 60 |
End of Sixth Semester or End of Term 11 or 12 | 2.00 | 72 |
End of Seventh Semester or End of Term 13 or 14 | 2.00 | 84 |
End of Eighth Semester or End of Term 15 or 16 | 2.00 | 96 |
End of Ninth Semester or End of Term 17 or 18 | 2.00 | 108 |
End of Tenth Semester or End of Term 19 or 20 | 2.00 | 120 |
*Credits pertain to successfully completed courses which apply toward the degree. Successful completion is defined as earning a grade of A, B, C, or D. Grades of F, W, I, IP or AU do not constitute successful completion.
If a residential student earns less than a 1.00 GPA after the first semester and earns less than 10 credits, the student will be dismissed from the University. If an online student earns less than a 1.00 GPA after the first term, the student will be dismissed from the University.
Developmental studies (DEV) courses with a course number below 100/1000 do NOT apply toward graduation.
Standard 2: Semester Hour Completion Ratio or PACE (Quantitative Measure)
学生(无论是全职还是兼职)必须达到至少67%的通过率,以展示适当的节奏并保持令人满意的学术进步(SAP)标准. Hours attempted include completed courses, repeated courses, withdrawals, and incompletes. Transfer credit, if applicable, is also calculated in the completion ratio.
Students are evaluated at the end of every semester/term for SAP. 未达到学业进步要求的学生将在下一学期受到学术SAP警告. 处于SAP警告状态的学生将继续有资格在这个额外的学期/学期获得联邦援助. 处于SAP警告状态的学生在学期/学期结束时仍未达到SAP标准,将被学校开除.
All students on academic SAP warning must take part in the Academic Support Program (ASP). 如果学生在警告学期/学期结束时未达到最低累积平均成绩(CGPA)和/或最低累积学分, the student will be dismissed from the University.
Transfer Credits
在计算SAP最大时间框架和量化进展时,学生学位课程接受的转学分将包括在内. This includes credit for English as a Second Language (ESL) and remedial courses, if accepted toward the degree program.
Repeated Courses
Students receiving Title IV Aid may repeat a course, as allowed under the Waldorf University Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. Repeated courses will count toward the quantitative and maximum timeframe SAP standards. 联邦学生援助允许学生重修一门没有挂科的课程,并获得该课程的一次联邦资助.
Incomplete Grades
Students receiving Title IV Aid may receive incomplete grades, as allowed under the Waldorf University Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. Incomplete grades will count toward the quantitative and maximum timeframe standards of SAP.
Second Bachelor’s Degree
本科学生必须在学位要求的150%内完成学位课程. Transfer credit, if applicable, is also calculated in the maximum timeframe calculation. 攻读第二学士学位的学生没有资格获得联邦SEOG或联邦佩尔助学金.
SAP Evaluation
Students are evaluated at the end of every semester/term for SAP. 未达到令人满意的学业进展(SAP)条件的学生将在下一学期/学期受到学术警告,并将被要求与他们的学术顾问讨论入学选择. 处于SAP警告状态的学生将继续有资格获得这一额外学期的联邦援助. 处于SAP警告状态的学生在学期/学期结束时仍未达到SAP标准,将被学校开除.
Appeal Guidelines
SAP不及格的学生,如果在学业成绩不达标期间有情有可为的情况,并且能够提供证明文件,可以向招生和学术进步委员会提出上诉. 申诉可以通过传真的方式提交给学术事务副校长或注册官办公室,地址是:住宅 641-585-8194 or Registrar@dovsalesgroup.com ; Online 251-224-0554 or Associate.Registrar@dovsalesgroup.com . 申诉必须包括学生未能达到令人满意的学业进步的原因,以及将如何改变以使学生在下一次评估中达到标准. 委员会将尽一切努力仔细考虑每一项申诉,并在7至10个工作日内作出决定. The committee will make one of the following decisions regarding the student’s appeal:
- The appeal will be denied; the student’s academic dismissal is upheld and student will no longer be eligible for financial aid.
- The appeal will be granted and the student placed on Academic Probation for one semester/term; the student should be able to meet satisfactory academic progress by the end of the probationary term. 如果学生在实习学期/学期结束时没有达到令人满意的学业进步, the student will be dismissed.
- 如果学生在一个学期内不能取得令人满意的学业进步,上诉将被批准,学生将被列入学业计划. The Academic Plan, monitored on an individual basis, 能否确保学生在某一特定时间点达到满意的学业进度, will have set conditions, 并且可以根据计划在任何时期进行评估,或者至少在每学期/学期结束时进行评估. The student will be dismissed when he/she fails to meet the conditions of the Academic Plan.
留校察看或计划学习的学生可能需要重修成绩为“D”或“F”的课程, take a reduced credit-load, 和/或参与特殊项目和/或限制课外校园活动(体育), fine arts, etc.). They are also required to submit periodic academic progress reports.
If it becomes apparent that a student is not profiting from the course, as evidenced by poor attendance or poor performance, 主管学术事务的副校长可以在学期内的任何时候不经警告而开除学生.
非全日制学生(一学期(学期)住校学分不足12学分/在线学分不足6学分),给予学术警告处分, at the end of any semester/term, he or she has a cumulative grade point average (cgpa) less than 2.00. During the next semester, if the student does not receive a 2.00 GPA and/or complete at least 67% of their coursework, the student is dismissed from the University. 学生可以对解雇提出上诉,并遵循与全日制学业进步满意上诉程序相同的上诉程序.
留校察看的学生可能需要重修成绩为“F”或“D”的课程, take a reduced credit-load, become involved in special programs, and/or have restrictions placed on extra-curricular campus activities (athletics, fine arts, etc.). They are also required to submit periodic academic progress reports.
If it becomes apparent that a student is not profiting from the course, as evidenced by poor attendance or poor performance, 主管学术事务的副校长可以在学期内的任何时候不经警告而开除学生.